Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I was really sick all of yesterday. didn't get out of bed till 4 pm and then only cuz i had to use the bathroom. took a lot of medicine, had a fever. hallucinated a little bit. yeah, it was bad. but i'm better today. for the most part. i didn't eat anything yesterday either. my host mom made me some tea when she got home from work and that's all i could have. anyway, today...
started off really well, had a nice long convo with adrian (my host brother who's 27.) he found out the other day that he was named lawyer of the year in pinchinca, which is basically the equivalent of a state in the US. he had to go to work at noon though. i guess you have to work weekends if you're lawyer of the year. i think we're going to go to the old city next weekend though, so i'm happy. then i went to call home but the cabina (phone/internet store) wasn't open so i went to la fruteria juanita and i ran into Maura! (another student from UW) she lives 2 blocks from me. her mom invited me over so i went and met maura's host family. maybe it's just the culture but all the women tell me i'm attractive. maura's family did, as did juanita who runs the fruteria. anyway, then i went home for lunch (which my mom always makes and sets out on the table before she goes to work.) that's when my days goes bad... i was in the bathroom and i was leaning on the sink a little bit when the whole sink fell off the wall!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! no one is home and i have NO idea what i should do. i put the sink back on the wall and i don't think it's going to fall again but i put my suitcase under it for extra support. i don' tknow if i need a plumber or a dry-waller dude, but i'm nervous. i have to tell my mom when she gets home from work and i don't know how much it costs to fix something like this. i'll offer to pay but she won't want me to, but i know they don't have money for things like this. two weeks ago her car was stolen from in front of the house and she had had 3 jobs, but now she only has 1 cuz it takes 2 hrs to get to her job on the bus (it was half an hour by car.) for now i just have to wait. this sink thing happened at 2:30ish and it's 5 now.

8-26-06 later that day...
it's all going to be ok. on monday Catalina (host-mom) is going to call the landlord and he'll send over a plumber or something. so i'm calm again. on another note, i've never eaten so much white rice in my life. i'm going to explode soon. i know it. there's just no flavor. ICK. sometimes i try to mix it with other things, but that mostly just detracts from the flavor ot the other food. and i hate to come across as a wasteful, ungrateful, stuck-up american, but i end up throwing some away at every meal. there's just so much. there's ALWAYS a giant pile of rice served as the main course and then something else small on the side, like a fried banana and a piece of chicken or something. but they make the rice in a giant rice cooker at the beginning of the week and then put it in a bowl in the refridgerator and serve it cold. i mean, i know WHY there's so much rice, it's cheap and a filler, and i appreciate it, but MAN, i need to find a way to make it barable. it's only been 3 days.


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