Wednesday, November 01, 2006

elections 2006, primer vuelta Oct. 15

elections: wow. so they took place on sunday and i woke up because there was an earthquake (my first one ever!) that shook my house!! ahhhhh. it wasn´t that big, nothing fell off the walls or anything, but a suburb away where one of my professors lives, it was a bit worse and some of the walls in his house cracked!!! oh no! about 10 min later there was another earthquake of the same size. main point of this story: i can read the signs and see the future... i thought to myself right away, elections, earthquakes, this can´t be good. and it´s not. first they told us that the winners were correa and noboa, and that they´d be the two running in the second round of elections. well, no one wants to vote for noboa cuz he´s old and really rich and just moves his hands and says ecuador a lot. but he has a smart wife. but NO ONE wants to vote for correa cuz he´s flat out a communist. he wants to get rid of the dollar (which is the currancy here) which would screw over the country and send the economy, which is already fragile, into a downward firey spiral, and cut all contact with the US. he also supports the colombian gorrillas saying they´re just fighting for their rights. oddly enough, i don´t think the gov. is poor ecuadorian families on the border, so killing them isn´t really doing anything for their rights... but he´s in first place! yipee!!! ecuador might go commie and i´ll be sent home in january!!! but WAIT, the fun doesn´t stop here! not all the votes were counted!! and the company who was supposed to be counting them with their fancy computer system up and left!!! so now ALL THE CANDIDATES, some 15, are crying foul and claiming fraudulant elections. all the votes are now being counted by hand. gee, shouldn´t be any problem there... oh, and most people believe that if correa, the commie, wins, it´s not so much a question of how screwed will the country be, it will be no matter what, but will ecuador kick him out and get a new president before a military dictator takes over? so anyway, elections have been interesting and i´m anxious to see what ends up happening. also, most presidents last about 2 years before being peacefully kicked out of office, out of the 4 year term.


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