Wednesday, November 01, 2006

halloween!! ec style

some people were missing halloween in madison this past weekend. i wasn´t. not really. i walked in a runway show and went on a chiva!! one of the best halloweens of my life i think...

so monday night, the 30th, we got a chiva in quito. a chiva is a giant party bus. there´re no windows, railings so you can go out back and on the roof, a mariachi type band, and endless canelaso (traditional ecuadorian drink. like apple cider, but juice from a fruit i don´t know the name of with aguardiente-harsh alcohol, and it´s HOT.) we decided that we should make it a halloween chiva, so we wore costumes and brought halloween twister with us!

i probably had the best costume of my life too. me and my friend kali (who went to HS with kraemer and adam h) went as the dead prom king and queen of ´92. it was sweet. i´ve got some great pictures that i´ll hopefully put up some day. on a chiva you also elect a king and queen of the chiva. but if its a birthday chiva it´s always the birthday person, blah blah blah, and for us it went to best costume. which we won!! so we got a t-shirt and a bottle of aguardiente as a prize. then they all danced around us in la plaza san fransisco, which is the largest plaza in historical quito. it was sooooo fun. but it gets better. and funnier.

the chiva dropped us off after 2 hours of crazyness in front of Friday´s. so we went in for chicken fingers and drinks. well, we got in and i realized that i had lost my prom king sash on the chiva so i ran out and got it back. upon returning into friday´s i saw that no one was at my table and everything was gone... so i ask a waitress (who was also dressed up for halloween) where my friends went. now our table was in the front of the resteraunt and we were the only gringos and ecuatorianos in costume, keep that in mind. she says to me, ¨ya se fueron¨ ¨they already left¨ so i´m like what?! i didn´t see them leave, but there´s nothing there so it must be true. so i run out of fridays to find them and can´t find them anywhere. so i get in a taxi and go home. after paying the taxista and getting out of the taxi (which then drove away) i realized that i had left my keys and phone at kali´s house when we were getting ready! ahhhh! there´s a giant fence in front of my house with two padlocks and no doorbell! ahhhhhhhhhh. so now i´m just standing in front of the gate on the street, a little drunk, wearing a destroyed suit, fake blood, and lots of makeup to make myself look dead, with no way of getting home, getting a hold of my dissappeared friends, of calling my house to have them let me in! so 10 min later i decide that the only rational decision is to scale the fence... smart move huh? i was fairly convinced at the time that the police were going to come by and arrest me for attempted burglury in a sweet costume. well, i finally gain the fence, which is flimsy, sharp, and 10 feet high, and i fall over the other side into our yard, where i FORTUNATELY didn´t land on the cactus... sweet. so i then have to go to the door and knock maddly until my host dog woke up, who then woke up my host mom, who let me in. and told my i looked guapo. which i laughed really hard at, cuz i looked dead. literally. needless, to say it was an eventful halloween.

i found out the next day that my friends had just switched tables. stupid waitress, ya se fueron my ass.


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